Saturday, March 21, 2009

Organization Time!!!!

Yes, it's that time again. Time to get organized and be really serious about it this time:) I have enlisted the help of one of my really great friends (Debbie) to help me organize my work space. Debbie just happens to be a personal organizer and a good one at that.

Since I have been getting more buzz and more orders for our products, I had to find a way to make looking for everything more productive and efficient. I realized that I was spending way more time searching for everything, instead of mixing, preparing, & packaging products. I was also ordering the same things twice (yes, I have that much stuff) because I had no real system in place to locate everything quickly. So something had to give.

Here's a picture of some of the progress that has been made so far. This is my packing station:) I have to work with the limited amount of space I have available. This is actually in my den/office space area. The bag hanging on the rack is a laundry bag filled with the eco-shreds that I use for packing!!! This idea came from Debbie.

I will post the pics of how we organized all of my containers as soon as we get them labeled, etc. We spent the weekend building the shelves (thanks to my brother Ken as well) in the garage area for all of my containers. It looks soooo nice already!

We also organized all of my essential oils in alphabetically ordered containers. This alone has saved me some much needed valuable time. My butters are in there place and the oils are all in one. We are also organizing my herbs, emulsifiers, preservatives & additives, etc. I could truly go on and on, but do not want to bore you. LOL

Now it's your turn to get organized. Where would you like to start?


Lysandra said...

Our packing station is a bit small but will expand as needed to fit business:)

Unknown said...

That is great! I live in cobb county so, if you are ever having a packaging party / need some help, let me know!! Love your products!!

Anonymous said...

new follower ! soon to be customer .